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UDG Finalist for Coal Orchard

We are delighted to be a finalist for the the National Urban Design Awards 2021 for Frameworks and Masterplans (mid scale) for our Coal Orchard, Taunton Redevelopment of a town centre car park into a mixed use quarter connecting the historic town centre to the river and theatre. As part of a project team led by Mace Group, we were appointed by Taunton Dean Borough Council in 2015 to design and develop the new Coal Orchard. From the original concept design stage, through outline and reserved matters planning consent (with AHR) and into delivery with Midas Group.

What is special about this particular project is that it is a sensitive but contemporary approach to delivering town centre regeneration in an historic area that has been procured and delivered by public sector but working with a combined public and private sector design and delivery team. Diversity was key to this project. The ability to create a range of spaces and uses in a relatively small area to then create activity – both day and night, to help support the town centre and create a new destination for the residents and visitors of Taunton.

It is funded by public sector- at their risk. It has been delivered before and through the pandemic in a world where the impact of the internet on town centres is having a massive effect, but it shows the importance of diversity and willingness to delivery sensitive public sector solutions to the growing problems that face all of our town centres.

Click on picture to see how the project was going in June 2021 (almost complete now).

We are over the moon to have our work recognised by the National Urban Design Awards.


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